Global Studies

Nielsen’s 2014 Global Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility shows that 55 percent of global online consumers across 60 countries are willing to pay more for products and services from companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact.

The Asia-Pacific region leads with 64% followed by Latin America 63% and Middle East/Africa 63% while North America and Europe come in at 42 and 40%, respectively.

PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that companies reporting sustainability efforts have a greater return on assets than companies that do not.

The 2015 Cone Communications Global CSR Study reports that 84% of global consumers now seek positive sustainability commitment in the companies they do business with.

A study conducted by the Green Business Bureau found that companies with active sustainability programs report significantly higher levels of employee engagement. In the case of AMD, a large technology company, 96% of employees reported that the company’s sustainability programs improved their relationship with the company.

A study conducted by the Green Business Bureau found that 61% of global consumers report that they have already used social media to engage with companies around environmental and sustainability issues. Whether your business is large or small, consumer focused or B2B, having customers that both feel positively toward your company and actively share those feelings online, in store and in person is a tremendous win.

A study conducted by the Green Business Bureau found most compellingly, millennial women report that they’re more likely to buy from, trust and remain loyal to companies with sustainable business practices at rates that exceed 90% across the board, and when filtered for affluence and motherhood, those numbers trend toward 100% – with 95% of millennial mothers preferring to do business with greener companies.

Let’s make your business greener together.

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